iPhone 15 Pro Max's Periscope Telephoto Camera

iPhone 15 Pro Max’s Periscope Telephoto Camera Sounds Awesome — But There’s a Big Catch

When the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max inevitably appear on stage at the Apple September event, I already know I’ll be irritated. Because if the rumored periscope telephoto camera is exclusive to the Pro Max model as stated, it will be yet another product to suffer from Apple’s inconsistency.

Typically, the body size, which affects the battery and display, and a slightly higher price are the only differences between Apple’s Max and Plus versions of a product. The rest of the functionality should, in theory, be identical. Except when it isn’t.

Large and small iPhones have shared the same fundamental capabilities ever since the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max introduced this naming convention to the iPhone series. With the exception of the iPhone 12 series, which gave the iPhone 12 Pro Max a larger main camera sensor and a marginally more potent telephoto camera than the iPhone 12 Pro, this was not the case. Users who preferred the smaller phone, such as myself, were essentially barred from two significant upgrades.

I frequently use large phones these days, so if I were to upgrade my iPhone, having Pro Max-only features probably wouldn’t matter to me. But I still firmly believe that Apple shouldn’t split features in this way.

This size-based feature gap most likely exists for practical reasons. Naturally, having a larger footprint to work with makes it theoretically simpler to fit new components, like the rumored periscope telephoto camera. Additionally, users pay more for a larger version, which may help Apple defray the cost of new components if they are particularly pricey. But even if there were two iPhones with “Pro” in the name, I’d expect them to provide the same experience.

Read More: How to Resize a Photo on iPhone?

Source: tomsguide

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